Custom Parts


The perfect accessory for your fly reel. Loop your line around the Hooker or or hook your fly on it. No more scratching the rod blank or nicking the cork. Comes Standard on all 2010 NV reels. Available for all Nautilus fly reels.



Customize your reel further by adding custom color small parts: You can match parts to make a uniform color reel or mix different ones to give you contrasting looks. This feature is available for all model reel feet, drag knobs, Spool release caps (also known as name plates), back plates and hubs (back plate is where it says CCF Disc Brake), handle spindles and the Nautilus Hooker.

$35.00 each.

Big Game Reel Handles


All CCF and NV reels can be retrofitted with Big Game handles. The Big Game Handle kit comes complete with screws and counter weight to ensure perfect balance during fast runs. This handle makes reeling in a pure pleasure, and even we were impressed at how much less effort it takes to reel with this custom handle. A must have for any serious big game fly fisher.
